Medium: Charles Payseur on Inspirations & Influences
“Inspirations and Influences” is a series of articles in which we invite authors to write guest posts talking about their Inspirations and Influences. In this feature, we invite writers to talk about their new books, older titles, and their writing overall. This month, we will release our very first Quarterly Almanac–a brand new quarterly venture from Book Smugglers Publishing, in which we publish original fiction, select reprints, and incisive nonfiction essays and reviews. One of the original short stories we are publishing in our inaugural Almanac is Medium by Charles Payseur–a powerful superhero tale about a young man who can channel and use the energies of ghosts, and who learns about his powers. Today, Charles tells us a little bit about the Inspirations & Influences behind the story. Please give a warm welcome to Charles! When I was a teen I thought I could write comic books (not, like, ever, but right then, as a teen). I was a bit of a little shit so I thought that it was as easy as deciding to do it. Like what I thought of writing in general, young me just assumed as long as I wanted a thing I would get it. […]