All The People That You Used To Be: William Ritter on the Thirteenth Doctor
We are thrilled to have William Ritter, author of the Jackaby series–a YA historical paranormal mystery series following the irascible R. F. Jackaby, and his assistant Abigail Rook. Give it up for Will, folks. All The People That You Used To Be It’s official. Taking down her hood, Jodie Whittaker has taken up the mantle of the thirteenth Doctor. For the first time in history, the TARDIS will have a woman at the helm, and the internet has predictably exploded. Already, there are vehement critics and the inevitable misogynistic diatribes, but news of the doctor’s re-gender-ation has been celebrated by countless fans and former cast members, most of whom see this as a step forward. The sixth Doctor, Colin Baker, heralded the transition with a line from his own first appearance. “Change, my dears, and not a moment too soon. She IS the Doctor, whether you like it or not.” But change is hard. Change is leaving the familiar, saying goodbye—and nobody likes goodbyes. Least of all the Doctor. Why say goodbye by when he was already fantastic? I’ve been thinking a lot about goodbyes. I wrote a series of novels over the past few years, and this August I […]